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The video shows the surface of the water, a momentary reflection of the body in its mirror surface, and then a brief moment of surfacing. By creating a specific illusion, Lamella depicts water as an almost solid substance. The water here is not about depth, but rather surface tension.

Lamella takes its title from Lacan’s psychoanalytic theories, where the word means a being that exists beyond the symbolic order, a disembodied eroticism, a membrane of relations with the environment. Here, perception is reduced to the reception of undefined, culturally unfiltered signals, during the spontaneous process of emotionally accepting or rejecting a relationship with another being.

Lamella is an attempt to visualize our point of contact with the world, devoid of realistic representations, when the only truth is an irrational and unrepresented feeling. Therefore, it contains a paradox — the presentation of the impossibility of representation.

  • Object type:
  • Year:
  • Duration:
    4 min 13 s
  • inv. no.:
  • Własność:
    Deposit of the City of Gdańsk, part of the Gdańsk Collection of Contemporary Art
Hanna Nowicka, Lamella, 2009. Depozyt Gminy Miasta Gdańska w ramach Gdańskiej Kolekcji Sztuki Współczesnej, fot. © Archiwum MNG
fot. © Archiwum MNG
  • Object type:
  • Year:
  • Duration:
    4 min 13 s
  • inv. no.:
  • Własność:
    Deposit of the City of Gdańsk, part of the Gdańsk Collection of Contemporary Art

The video shows the surface of the water, a momentary reflection of the body in its mirror surface, and then a brief moment of surfacing. By creating a specific illusion, Lamella depicts water as an almost solid substance. The water here is not about depth, but rather surface tension.

Lamella takes its title from Lacan’s psychoanalytic theories, where the word means a being that exists beyond the symbolic order, a disembodied eroticism, a membrane of relations with the environment. Here, perception is reduced to the reception of undefined, culturally unfiltered signals, during the spontaneous process of emotionally accepting or rejecting a relationship with another being.

Lamella is an attempt to visualize our point of contact with the world, devoid of realistic representations, when the only truth is an irrational and unrepresented feeling. Therefore, it contains a paradox — the presentation of the impossibility of representation.

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